Chawton Park Wood SCOA League Event

Sunday 30th March

Entries close 23:00 on 23rd Mar

Entries close 23:00 on 23rd Mar

Click here to sign up and enter. If you have already entered click here to view and, if necessary, amend your entry.

Entered: 6

Level C SCOA League Event
ISOM-2 map updated for the event.
Parking on hard standing.

Chawton Park Wood has some nice runnable areas, an old mine working area and a good path network.

Not been used since 2012.

Brown 23 Controls 9.5km 230m climb
Suggested Classes M21, M35 and M40
Entered: 1

Blue 22 Controls 7.0km 200m climb
Suggested Classes M16, M18, M20, M45, M50, M55, M60.
W21, W35, W40

Entered: 1

Green 16 Controls 4.5km 95m climb
Suggested Classes M65, M70
W16, W18, W20, W45, W50, W55, W60

Entered: 4

Short Green 14 Controls 3.5km 75m climb
Suggested Classes M75, M80, M85, M90
W65, W70

Light Green 11 Controls 3.5km 65m climb
Suggested Classes M14, W14

Orange 11 Controls 3.1km 40m climb
Suggested Classes M12, W12

Yellow 9 Controls 2.3km 40m climb
Suggested Classes M10, W10

White 9 Controls 1.5km 25m climb
Suggested Classes M10, W10 Starters

Entry Fees
From 16th February:
    Main (No EOD)
        Senior: £13.50
        Not BOF Member Add: £2.00
        Senior Chip hire: £2.00
        Junior: £5.50
        Junior Chip hire: £0.00
From 24th March:
    Late Entry
        Senior: £15.50
        Non BOF Member Add: £2.00
        Senior Chip hire: £2.00
        Junior: £6.50
        Junior Chip hire: £0.00

Juniors are under 18 on 31st December.

£13.50 entry for BO members. £15.50 entry fee for non-BO members. Juniors £5.50.
Hired EMIT eCard - £2.00 per Senior, Free for Juniors (courtesy of EMIT UK).
After 23rd March entries will re-open for late entries (subject to map availability) but at £15.50 for BOF members, £17.50 for non-BOF members and Juniors £6.50.

Any full time student that requires a reduced entry fee please contact the organiser for a discount code.
Event Information

The entrance (Brick Kiln Lane) to the event is off the fast moving A31 dual carriageway between Alton and Four Marks. There is a railway bridge immediately after you turn off the A31 under the preserved Mid Hants railway line.

From the East, turn right 1.1 miles west of the A31/A32 junction roundabout. Be careful crossing the dual carriageway.

From the West, after leaving Four Marks the turning is on the left 0.6miles from where the dual carriageway starts.

Parking will be hard standing, private land used by the Brutal Run organisation.

1:7,500 A3 ISOM2017-2 Map, 5m contours, recently drawn for this event.

Some good runnable forest (managed by Forestry England) and an area of complex mine working. There is a middle valley with a slope on both the north and south sides, not steep but enough for you to notice.

The area is used by dog walkers and horse riders. Please be aware and courteous.

There is physical climb on the courses but none of it is severe.

Near to the Start there is an ancient earthbank that is not to be crossed over so courses had to be planned to avoid the random crossing of it.

Beginners are welcome to try the courses, please ask for assistance when you arrive. The courses rank from easy to hard, just bring a compass (one can be lent if you do not have one) and give it a go. No problem if you want to go round with other people.

Start and Finish will be close to assembly..

EMIT eCards will be used on all courses. Everyone must report promptly to Download.

Please provide your own water.

10:00 to 12:00 for Hired eCard collection and Enquiries

EOD is possible subject to map availability..

10:30 to 12:30.

Control descriptions will be available in the start lanes.

Courses close
Promptly at 14:30 please. You must report to download before you leave the event.


There is a Tea Room called Cassandra's Cup (open 9am to 5pm on Sundays) in nearby Chawton near to Jane Austen's House Museum.

Please make yourself aware of and abide by the British Orienteering Participant Code of Conduct.

Dogs are allowed, but under strict control and on a lead at all times.

Planners Notes
Most of Chawton is deemed runnable there is no need to venture into the heavy undergrowth areas.

We decided on a 1:7,500 map to make full use of the area.

Orienteering is an adventure sport; you are responsible for your own safety at the event and must not do anything that puts yourself or others at unnecessary risk. Please remember that COVID has not gone away, please respect those that want to be socially distanced.

Organiser: Charles Gook (BADO)
Planner: Mike Frizzell (BADO)
Controller: Allan Farrington (BAOC)

Start List
Brown 23 Controls Age Category Club Start window
Andrew Woodhouse M40 BAOC 10:30 - 10:44
Blue 22 Controls Age Category Club Start window
Marc Ebanks M55 SN 10:45 - 10:59
Green 16 Controls Age Category Club Start window
Joe House M70 SO 10:30 - 10:44
Carol Prosser W60 BAOC 10:30 - 10:44
Ian Prosser M65 BAOC 10:30 - 10:44
Tina Stratford W50 WSX 11:15 - 11:29