Balcombe Estate SE League Event

Sunday 9th February

Entries close 23:59 on 7th Feb

Entries close 23:59 on 7th Feb

Click here to sign up and enter. If you have already entered click here to view and, if necessary, amend your entry.

Entered: 12

Car Sharing available

SEOA Level B League Event held on the Balcombe Estate in memory of former SEOA Chair Simon Greenwood

A full range of SE League Courses are available. Anybody can run their preferred course - age classes are those expected by the SE League.

Balcombe is perhaps the most varied area in the south-east. The longer technical courses will challenge with frequent and sudden changes of terrain, as fast running across a field can be immediately followed by control picking on a steep hillside with many crags, some as high as 6m. There are areas of gorgeous runnable woodland and, to be fair, some pretty grotty bits, but the planner will give you path options through those. Shorter technical courses will be almost entirely within woodland.

Black - M21 11.0km 300m climb

Brown - M20, M35, M40 and W21 9.1km 260m climb

Short Brown - M18, M45, M50, W20 and W35 8.0km 235m climb

Blue - M16, M55, M60, W18, W40 and W45 6.8km 235m climb

Short Blue - M65, M70, W16, W50 and W55 5.8km 190m climb

Green - M75, W60 and W65 4.7km 160m climb

Short Green - M80 and W70 3.7km 130m climb

Very Short Green - M85, M90, W75, W80, W85 and W90 2.8km 80m climb

Light Green - M14 and W14 3.4km 115m climb

Orange - M12 and W12 3.0km 110m climb

Yellow - M10 and W10 2.3km 75m climb

White 1.4km 55m climb

Entry Fees
Seniors £14, Juniors (under 21) and Students £6, by 2nd February 2025.
Late entries: £16 and £6, by 7th February (subject to map availability).
Note: There is a £2 surcharge for Non-BOF Seniors
SI electronic punching will used. SICard hire £1 or £2.50 for a contactless SIAC card. Lost cards will be charged at £30 for an SI and £70 for a SIAC.
Event Information

In Memoriam
We are holding this event in grateful memory of Simon Greenwood - SEOA Chair for over 20 years who sadly passed away in December 2022. He is greatly missed by the orienteering community and we plan to make a donation of £500 to the Orienteering Foundation in his memory.

Event Centre
Balcombe Estate Forestry & Sawmill, Haywards Heath Road, Balcombe.
Enquiries and Download will be housed in the sawmill office near the entrance gate.
Facilities include a Tom's Burger Van, Toilets, a Clothing Drop and professional First Aid cover.

The main parking will be at Bowders Farm, Haywards Heath Road, RH17 6QH, GR TQ318292 what3words ///octagon.skirt.absorb
Families and older competitors can use the sawmill site – RH17 6NJ, GR TQ316296, what3words ///wove.flows.trailers
Please try to share cars wherever possible as space will be limited.

Public Transport
Balcombe Railway Station is approximately 1.5 km from the sawmill. Otherwise you are recommended to use the car sharing element of racesignup to arrange a lift.

Survey and cartography by Mike Elliot February 2023 with updates December 2024. Scale is 1:10,000 with 5 metre contours. The map is ISOM2017.
You can view the 2023 map here

SI Controls will be used throughout and will be SIAC enabled (other than the Start and Finish). SIAC cards will be available to hire.

Start and Finish
Starts are from 10:30 to 12:30 and courses close at 14:30. The Start is some 400m from Assembly (west of the car park at Bowders Farm). The Finish will be close to the Event Centre.

Live results will be available during the event via the QR Code on your printout and on the club web site as soon as possible after the event.

Please make yourself aware of and follow the British Orienteering Guidance for Participants (revised 19 July 2021).
All competitors must wear full leg cover as per British Orienteering Rules published 2024 - page 11 Clothing and Equipment section 8.1

Allowed in the Parking and Assembly Areas but not on the courses. Please keep your dog on a lead and clean up after them.

Orienteering is a physically challenging sport. Competitors take part at their own risk.

Shorter courses (Short Green, Light Green and below) will not cross any public road. There is a small chance that there may be a vehicle on an estate track, but this is not expected.
Longer courses (Green and above) will cross a ‘B’ road with a timed out and marshalled road crossing. They will also cross, or use, another very minor public road, with little or no traffic. This road will not be monitored.
A potentially dangerous stream (steep banks and mud) may be encountered on Short Brown and above. It will be marked as Out Of Bounds and courses are planned to avoid it.
Light Green, Green courses and above, have one or more crags. Courses have been planned to avoid (or give route choice to avoid) the steepest descents. Younger juniors should not encounter any of the crags.
All courses will cross a railway twice by means of bridges. Under no circumstance should any competitor go onto the railway tracks (which would require climbing a fence).
All competitors are required to carry a whistle. A waterproof top may be compulsory if the weather is poor.

Planner: Keith Masson (MV)
Controller: Mike Murray (SLOW)
Organiser: Mike Bolton (MV)
Start List
Brown - M20, M35, M40 and W21 Age Category Start time Club
Chris Rampton M60 11:00:00 WAOC
Short Brown - M18, M45, M50, W20 and W35 Age Category Start time Club
Justin Farhall M50 12:20:00 MV
Short Blue - M65, M70, W16, W50 and W55 Age Category Start time Club
Ian Byford M65 11:15:00 HH
Joe House M70 10:36:00 SO
Tim Keogh M60 10:54:00 MV
Don McKerrow M70 11:30:00 SLOW
Robin Smith M70 11:03:00 SO
John van Rooyen M75 11:11:00 SAX
Green - M75, W60 and W65 Age Category Start time Club
Woo Allen W60 12:00:00
Short Green - M80 and W70 Age Category Start time Club
Simon Ling M80 12:15:00 MV
Orange - M12 and W12 Age Category Start time Club
Hollie Winter W14 12:15:00 IND
Yellow - M10 and W10 Age Category Start time Club
Cynthia Ling W80 12:16:00 IND