Yellow 2.3km 40m climb
Novice course. Suitable for beginners.
Orange 3.5km 60m climb
Novice course. Mostly on paths, but corners can be cut. Suitable for improvers.
Short Green 3.5km 65m climb
Orienteering experience required.
Green 4.6km 130m climb
Orienteering experience required.
Blue 7.0km 130m climb
19 controls. Orienteering experience required.
Location, travel and parking
Parking and registration are at Bolderwood car park at the northern end of the Bolderwood Ornamental Drive, SO43 7GQ, what3words: ///sneezing.boomers.risky. Grid Ref SU244086.
Parking may be tight. Please try and car share with other competitors.
Help, advice and SI Dibber hire: 10:00 - 11:45
Starts : 10:30 - 12:30
Courses close: 14.00
Start at any time but please make sure you have enough time to finish the course before course closure. If you have your own SI Dibber you may go straight to the start.
If you are hiring a SI dibber, this can be collected from the Enquiries/Download tent in the assembly area.
From the assembly area, there is a 300m walk to the start. This route crosses a forest road, please make sure young children are accompanied. The route back from the finish is a 250m walk and also crosses a forest road.
Map and Terrain
1:10,000 map on waterproof paper, 5m contours. Yellow courses' map is 1:5000.
Typical New Forest terrain: Large areas of runnable forest with a network of rides and tracks in the west of the competition area. Competitors should take care to avoid the out of bounds areas as designated by Forestry England. These areas will be marked on the map but not on the ground. Courses have been planned to avoid major marshes.
There are public toilets available adjacent to the assembly area. The mobile Trailside Cafe will be in the car park selling coffee, ice cream and sweet treats.
Road Crossings
The Green and Blue courses cross the Bolderwood Ornamental Drive twice. This road has a 40 mph speed limit. We will alert drivers to runners crossing the road with signage however please bear this in mind if you are planning to enter under-16s on either of these courses. Competitors under 12 should not be entered on either of these courses.
Safety and Cancellation Procedure
There is a stream which runs North-south through the competition area. After rain competitors are advised to cross the stream only where paths cross the stream. After significant rain mitigations will be in place.
Please do not climb on the log piles in the forest.
Please be aware of the risk of ticks and Lyme disease.
If lost, the safety bearing is East or West to the road then North to the car park.
In the unlikely event of us needing to cancel the event due to poor weather, this will be communicated via the SOC website,
Finally, if you have driven to the event on your own, please leave your keys at the Download tent.
Dogs are allowed but must be kept on a lead and under control at all times.
The New Forest Code
All participants should make themselves aware of and comply with The New Forest Code.
You must report to Download before you leave, even if you retire. This is so we know you are back and don’t start searching the woods to find you!
Planner: Norman Wilson
Organiser: Helen Wheelwright