1 hour Odds & Evens score event with double sided map. 6 controls will be planned to a Yellow standard for novices. Penalties for lateness (1 point for every 6 seconds)
Entry limit: 21
Entered: 18
Travel Directions
Copse Wood is located between Hungerford and Marlborough. It will be signed from the A338 between East Grafton and Shalbourne. Parking is at Hillbarn Farm approx 600m east of Wilton Windmill. Grid Reference SU 282 618. The nearest postcode is SN8 3SW. (What3Words:conforms.helpless.animals).
Car Share
The Car Sharing Scheme is available on the signup page where you will find full details about how it works.
Parking will be on hard standing, but is limited. Please park sensibly and do not obstruct access. It would be appreciated if you could car share where possible and avoid using large vehicles such as campervans.
Overflow parking will be vergeside on the minor road between Wilton Windmill and Assembly or at the windmill carpark (approx. 700m away) if verges are too wet.
The Start and Finish are a short walk from Assembly and those parked vergeside must take care on the short road walk and follow the signs to the Start via Assembly.
Please follow the guidance from the marshals.
Start Times
Start times: 18:15 - 19:15
Course closes: 20:30
Assembly/Download is approx.175m from Start and 250m from Finish.
On-line entry only - standard entry closes at 23.59 on 09-02-2025.
GROUP entries are not available
Refund Policy
You may withdraw from the event up until 23:59 on 09-02-2025 Your entry fee will be held as a credit to be redeemed when you next enter an NWO event.
Timing System
EMIT card
Scale 1:10,000, 5m contours. Minor updates made Dec. 2022.
Overprinted on waterproof paper with pictorial control descriptions on the front. Loose control descriptions will be available at the start.
Mature broad leaved woodland with open areas and some conifer plantations. Some areas have dense bramble cover. Controls have been planned to avoid the worst of this. However, full leg cover and gaiters are recommended.
Timber stacks may be present and should not be climbed on.
Cultivated fields are out-of-bounds apart from the marked grass verges and public footpath.
Results, Splits and Routegadget will be available on the North Wiltshire Orienteers website as soon as practicable after the event
Please make yourself aware of and abide by the British Orienteering Participant Code of Conduct.
Clothing and equipment
Please come to the event with clean and dry shoes and clothing. Before leaving the event check your clothing and equipment and remove any mud, soil or leaf litter. Once home thoroughly clean your footwear and clothing and leave it to dry for as long as possible. Please take home any litter with you.
Dogs are not permitted at this event.
The minor road is marked as out-of-bounds.
The British Orienteering insurance policy provides public liability cover for all competitors registered for this event.
Medical Conditions
If you have a high risk medical condition you want the organisers to be aware of please download and complete this form and place it in a sealed envelope with your name on it. This can be left at registration. Envelopes will only be opened if required for a medical emergency. Unopened envelopes should be collected after the event. Any unclaimed envelopes will be destroyed after the event.
Prior to the event, if you test positive for COVID-19 then you must not attend.
Event Officials
Organiser: Antonia Holt (NWO)
Planner: Kevin Beale (NWO)
Controller: John Orton (NWO)
Personal Information
The personal data you give when you enter will be used by the event organisers and their agents, but only for the purpose of processing/publishing entries/results, conducting safety checks and as required by our insurers to validate our cover and managed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Cancellation Policy
NWO will make every effort to ensure the event goes ahead as planned. However, should the event be cancelled, NWO reserves the right to retain part of the advance entry fees to meet costs already incurred or committed.