ESOC: Cammo Estate Local Event

Saturday 18th January

Entries are closed

Entries are closed
Sign in to view your entries.

Entered: 172

The closing date for online entries is 6pm on Friday 17th January

However to be guaranteed a course map on waterproof paper for your chosen course you MUST pre-enter by midnight on Monday 13th January.

We will print some extra waterproof maps for late entries. After the cut-off date, if your preferred course is full (see entry limits below), contact and we may be able to offer you a non-waterproof version (at the same cost).

Credit: Crawford Lindsay

This entry system allows for individual entries, pairs and groups (who wish to go round a course together).

Please read the Event Information below for help with using this system.

Once the first entry has been accepted, a Start List will appear at the bottom of this page.

Full details are on the event webpage including an explanation of the Colour Coded courses. Please read these before you enter and again before the day to check for updates, especially on the Friday evening in case the weather has affected the event.

Course lengths and climb (where given) are provisional at this stage

Corridor 3.9km 45m climb
Training exercise for experienced orienteers, with much of the map blanked out! You need to keep in contact with the map and within the corridor. To make the course even trickier, the map is double sided with individual legs randomly placed on one or other side of the page.
Entry limit: 38
Entered: 31

Light Green 3.9km 45m climb
Longer course at the next stage of technical difficulty ie more difficult than Long Orange.
Entry limit: 43
Entered: 39

Long Orange 3.6km 45m climb
A longer course than Orange, might suit runners
Entry limit: 38
Entered: 33

Orange 2.5km 45m climb
Will involve basic use of the compass and route choice.
Entry limit: 33
Entered: 24

Yellow 1.7km 30m climb
Course using simple linear features like paths, walls and streams. Some controls just off the paths
Entry limit: 33
Entered: 33

White 1.4km 15m climb
Very easy course with all controls on paths. Suitable for wheelchairs and buggies.
Entry limit: 23
Entered: 12

Entry Fees
Individual Fees

BOF Member
Senior : £4.50
Junior/Student: £2.50

SOA Member
Senior : £5.50
Junior/Student: £3.50

NON Member
Senior : £6.50
Junior/Student: £4.50

Students and young adults aged 21 to 25 are charged junior fees

See the Event Information panel below for details of how to enter a pair or group. A complete table of fees, for all classes of entries, is on the event webpage

First time using this system? To save time when entering ESOC events, please take the time to set up a RACESIGNUP account and create profiles for all the members of the group or family you are entering. You only need to pay once you have entered all the individuals you wish to. More help with entering pairs or groups below.
Event Information

Entry Help
If you want to run on your own with your own map and SI dibber (timing device) please enter as an Individual.

To enter as a pair who will share a map and timing device enter the name of the second person on the form in the Group/Pairs name box. For a pair of juniors ensure the lead person on the entry form is a Junior.

If you want to enter as a group (up to 2 adults and 3 juniors) to go round a course together sharing a map and SI Dibber (timing device), provide the details of one adult as normal and, at the bottom of the form, select the number of additional people that make up the group. You can enter the name for the group on the form in the Group/Pairs name box eg The Smith Family.

Larger groups should enter as 2 groups (in 2 separate entries).

You only need to pay once you have entered all the pairs, groups or individuals you want.

The fees for individuals, pairs and groups are listed on the relevant webpage on the ESOC website and include surcharges for those who are not members of an orienteering club or, if they are members of an orienteering club, are not members of BOF.

If you need more help contact or check the relevant webpage on the ESOC website or the beginners pages on the ESOC website

When entering our events your name may appear in the results section of the ESOC website or in newspaper reports. Read our data privacy policy on the event webpage to see how we look after your personal data.

Start List
Corridor Club Group name Age Category Start time
Ewan Arnold ESOC M16 13:00 - 13:14
Jennifer Atkinson ELO W45 13:15 - 13:29
Michael Atkinson ELO M45 13:15 - 13:29
Chris Blau ESOC M45 13:15 - 13:29
Peter Brownsort ELO M65 12:00 - 12:14
Cameron Chapman ESOC M18 13:00 - 13:14
Alex Choi FVO M16 13:00 - 13:14
James Choi FVO M16 13:00 - 13:14
Jamie Crawford ESOC M16 13:00 - 13:14
Joseph Goodwin INT M21 12:30 - 12:44
Hamish Hamilton-Meikle ESOC M18 13:00 - 13:14
Lucie Hamplova ESOC W21 12:15 - 12:29
Nicholas Hepworth ESOC M50 12:30 - 12:44
Rosalind Heron STAG W35 12:30 - 12:44
William Ivory INT M50 12:15 - 12:29
Katherine Kirk ESOC W55 12:00 - 12:14
Michael McPhillips ESOC M55 13:15 - 13:29
James Murdoch ESOC M55 12:15 - 12:29
David Nisbet ESOC M65 12:30 - 12:44
Helena Nolan ESOC W55 12:00 - 12:14
Peter OHara ESOC M50 12:15 - 12:29
Richard Oxlade ESOC M65 13:15 - 13:29
Hamish Rae ESOC M16 13:00 - 13:14
Max Rink ESOC M50 12:45 - 12:59
David Robertson ESOC M60 12:30 - 12:44
Hanne Robertson ESOC W55 12:30 - 12:44
Matt Tinsley ESOC M45 12:30 - 12:44
Oli Warlow ECKO M40 12:15 - 12:29
Jonathan Whaley M18 13:00 - 13:14
Jamie Wilson ELO M65 12:30 - 12:44
Robert Wyllie ESOC M21 12:00 - 12:14
Light Green Club Group name Age Category Start time
Sam Baker ESOC W50 13:00 - 13:14
James Brodie ESOC M45 12:45 - 12:59
Martin Caldwell ESOC M70 12:45 - 12:59
Inis Chepelin INT M12 12:00 - 12:14
Andrew Daley ESOC M50 12:30 - 12:44
Emma Daley ESOC W14 12:30 - 12:44
Calum Davis ESOC M40 12:15 - 12:29
Carolyn Dyson ESOC W65 12:00 - 12:14
Robert Findlay ESOC M75 12:00 - 12:14
Charles Gunn-Russell ESOC M21 13:15 - 13:29
Heather Hartman INT W55 12:30 - 12:44
Artie Hayward-Johnsson Artie and Dad M10 12:45 - 12:59
Lyla Hayward-Johnsson Lyla and Mum W14 12:45 - 12:59
Jeff Hodgson ELO M65 12:15 - 12:29
Howard Hughes ESOC M60 12:15 - 12:29
Alistair Hutcheon Martha D M55 12:45 - 12:59
Mark Kassyk ESOC M65 13:15 - 13:29
Muhammad-Ali Khurram ESOC M18 13:00 - 13:14
Aster Lee KFO M14 12:00 - 12:14
Geoff Lee KFO M40 12:15 - 12:29
Duncan Leishman ELO M55 13:15 - 13:29
Christine Mahony ESOC W65 12:00 - 12:14
Colin McArthur ELO M40 13:00 - 13:14
Kirsty McArthur ELO W40 12:00 - 12:14
Bill Melville TAY M85 12:15 - 12:29
Katharine Melville TAY W80 12:15 - 12:29
Gregor Menzies M16 12:45 - 12:59
Joanna Rose ESOC W45 13:15 - 13:29
Rachel Rose ESOC W18 13:15 - 13:29
Finlay Ross ESOC M55 12:15 - 12:29
Errol Shave ESOC M14 12:00 - 12:14
David Southgate M21 12:30 - 12:44
Michael Stewart INT M65 12:30 - 12:44
Gillian Tuddenham TAY W45 12:15 - 12:29
Bronwyn Vernon ESOC W16 12:30 - 12:44
Elizabeth Vernon ESOC W45 12:45 - 12:59
Phil Whaley M55 12:45 - 12:59
Laura Withers ESOC W55 12:15 - 12:29
Tate Woodhouse ESOC M18 12:00 - 12:14
Long Orange Club Group name Age Category Start time
Pablo Anderson ESOC M14 13:15 - 13:29
Amaya Ashcroft ESOC W18 13:00 - 13:14
Abigail Best ESOC Sally Best W10 12:45 - 12:59
Charlie Boag ESOC M16 13:15 - 13:29
Jonny Brydie ESOC M14 13:00 - 13:14
Louise Clayton ESOC W40 12:00 - 12:14
Rory Crawford M35 12:30 - 12:44
Michael Doherty INT M21 12:30 - 12:44
Heather Dudley INT W21 12:30 - 12:44
Fiona Findlay ESOC W75 12:00 - 12:14
Neil Goyal ESOC M16 13:15 - 13:29
Elliott Grant ESOC M16 13:15 - 13:29
Luke Gunderson ESOC M14 13:00 - 13:14
Kenny Gunn-Russell ESOC M70 12:45 - 12:59
Robbie Lindsay ESOC M14 13:00 - 13:14
Ranald MacDonald MacDonald family M40 12:00 - 12:14
Jim Macgregor ESOC M70 13:15 - 13:29
Tim Maher M21 12:45 - 12:59
Alexander Malham ESOC M16 13:15 - 13:29
Clare McDonnell W35 12:15 - 12:29
Ian Mitchell M60 12:45 - 12:59
Iain Moir M14 12:15 - 12:29
David Parker ESOC M55 12:00 - 12:14
Oliver Pitt ESOC M14 13:00 - 13:14
Ewan Preen ESOC M14 13:00 - 13:14
Elspeth Rink ESOC W18 13:00 - 13:14
Hans Schwenk M35 12:15 - 12:29
Nicole Sheldrake W40 12:45 - 12:59
Isla Thomson ESOC W18 13:00 - 13:14
Ian Underwood M35 12:30 - 12:44
Victoria von Rintelen INT W21 12:45 - 12:59
Eleanor White Matt and Ellie W21 13:00 - 13:14
Arham Zubair ESOC M14 13:00 - 13:14
Orange Club Group name Age Category Start time
Stephen Ambler INT M75 12:30 - 12:44
Rohan Arnold ESOC M14 13:15 - 13:29
Jonathan Best ESOC Steve Best M10 12:45 - 12:59
Kathryn Cox Eilidh & Kathryn Cox W40 12:45 - 12:59
Kyle Crawford ESOC M14 13:15 - 13:29
Craig Finnie The Tadfins M45 13:00 - 13:14
Catriona Gillespie ESOC W45 13:00 - 13:14
Katherine Harris W35 12:15 - 12:29
Catherine Hepburne Scott W10 12:30 - 12:44
Samantha Hepworth ESOC W55 12:45 - 12:59
Tilly Hepworth ESOC W14 12:45 - 12:59
Alistair Hindle ESOC Hindle family M50 12:15 - 12:29
Fran Humphrey ESOC W75 12:30 - 12:44
David Inglis ESOC M14 13:15 - 13:29
Sara MacDonald MacDonald family W40 12:00 - 12:14
Kirsty McLaughlin McLaughlin Family W35 12:15 - 12:29
Tessa Ogilvie ESOC W14 13:15 - 13:29
Maria OHara ESOC W12 12:15 - 12:29
Jack Paterson M10 12:15 - 12:29
Kathryn Paterson W10 12:00 - 12:14
Izzy Rae ESOC W14 13:15 - 13:29
Malcolm Scott Adam Scott M35 12:45 - 12:59
John Todd ESOC M80 12:00 - 12:14
Morgan Tolley ESOC W16 13:15 - 13:29
Yellow Club Group name Age Category Start time
Jean Beckley ESOC W45 12:15 - 12:29
Seamus Blau ESOC Pair Casey/Blau M10 12:15 - 12:29
Meryl Chrisman ESOC W10 12:30 - 12:44
Harry Cobb ESOC M10 12:45 - 12:59
Sophie Cobb ESOC W12 12:45 - 12:59
Robert Cooke-Jones The Cooke-Jones family M21 12:00 - 12:14
John Davies Davies A M50 12:00 - 12:14
Poppy Davis ESOC W10 12:45 - 12:59
Hannah Dole The Doles W35 12:00 - 12:14
Simon Fuller Fuller-Chen Family M40 13:00 - 13:14
Alice Graham Pair with Finlay (aged 2) W21 12:00 - 12:14
Callum Hall M10 12:30 - 12:44
Iain Hall M50 12:30 - 12:44
Jamie Hall M12 12:30 - 12:44
Clíodhna Heron STAG W10 12:15 - 12:29
Alistair Hindle ESOC Hindle family M50 12:15 - 12:29
Rachael Imrie ESOC The Imrie Family W40 12:15 - 12:29
Sarah Jack The Jack family W40 13:15 - 13:29
Ella Kapicka Izberovic Kapicky W10 12:00 - 12:14
Robyn Kapicka Izberovic Kapicky W10 12:00 - 12:14
Kieran Kerr ESOC M12 13:15 - 13:29
Ida Lagarde Ida’s Team W10 12:15 - 12:29
Lena Lagarde Lena’s Team W10 12:15 - 12:29
Caelan Lobban Lobban family M10 12:45 - 12:59
Lulu Lun The Jumping Frogs W35 13:15 - 13:29
Eddie Mair ESOC M10 13:00 - 13:14
Hamish Mair ESOC M10 13:00 - 13:14
Lewis McArthur ELO M10 12:00 - 12:14
Aaron Sharif M12 12:30 - 12:44
Laila Sharif W10 12:30 - 12:44
Flora Shave ESOC Flora Shave & Eve-Marie Josse W10 12:00 - 12:14
Finlay Williams M14 12:30 - 12:44
Skye Williams W12 12:30 - 12:44
White Club Group name Age Category Start time
Ember Chepelin INT Finn MacKenzie W10 12:00 - 12:14
Emma Davies Davies 2 W40 12:00 - 12:14
Phoebe Davis ESOC W10 13:00 - 13:14
Ruaridh Ellis Ellis family M10 13:15 - 13:29
Blair Grant Michael Grant M12 13:15 - 13:29
Erinna Heron STAG W10 12:30 - 12:44
Ethan Kelly M12 13:00 - 13:14
Finn MacKenzie M10 12:00 - 12:14
Grace OHara ESOC W10 12:15 - 12:29
Kirsten Tinsley ESOC W10 13:15 - 13:29
Beth Treseder W35 13:15 - 13:29
Alice Waltham Alice and Rowan W40 13:00 - 13:14