Welsh Alpine Championships 2025

20-24th Jan 2025

Entries close 23:58 on 18th Jan

Entries close 23:58 on 18th Jan

You can add a new entry or view (but not amend) existing entries.

Entered FIS : 94
Entered BASS : 170
Entered U10/U12 : 71

FIS NJR Championships 20-21 Jan
BASS & U10/U12 Championships 22-24 Jan

The Welsh Alpine Championships take place in Champery–Les Crosets, Switzerland.

There are races for FIS NJR athletes (U18 and U21 categories) and for BASS categories from U10 through to Masters.

To participate, GBR BASS competitors must be registered with their Home Nation (Snowsport Wales/England/Scotland), non GBR BASS competitors must provide proof of national licence to compete.

GBR FIS racers must be registered with FIS through GB Snowsport for the 2025 season.
Contact: raceadmin@snowsportwales.net

FIS Races

NJR Slalom
Entered: 45

NJR Giant Slalom
Entered: 49

BASS Races

BASS Giant Slalom U14 and older
Entered: 87

BASS Slalom U14 and older
Entered: 83

U10/U12 Races

U10/U12 Giant Slalom
Entered: 40

U10/U12 Stubby Slalom
Entered: 31

Entry Fees
Entry Fee: £60.00 per race
Closing date for entries is Friday 10th Jan 2025.

If the race is not over subscribed late entries may be accepted until Saturday 18th Jan 2025
Late Entry Fee: £80.00 per race
Race Information

The Welsh Alpine Championships takes place in Champery, Switzerland. If you require help with accommodation please contact the Regional tourist office. Region Dents Du Midi

Further Information
Further information about the Championships is available on the Snowsport Wales web site (including information about lift pass offers)
SSW Alpine Champs

For coaches, information about Training Pistes at the Championships is available from the Snowsport Wales office.
Tel. (+44) 07779 623925
email info@snowsportwales.net

Race Bulletin
All race bulletins and acceptance lists will be published on GBSKI. Click on the links below to access the event pages.
GBSKI FIS Event Information

GBSKI BASS Event Information
Start List - FIS Races
NJR Slalom FIS Reg No Name Club Nation
512806 Elia BACH SUI
512776 Arnaud BADEN SUI
512808 Tom BLAESI SUI
37730 225913 Georgia Blaikie Excel / Midland Scotland / GBR
270097 Adam BROWN IRE
512608 Yadin BUMANN SUI
6191984 Jason CHALENCON FRA
512847 Remi CHENAUX SUI
512715 Quentin CUCHE SUI
516852 Margaux DURET SUI
512848 Filip HABER SUI
512716 Axel HAFSETT SUI
512699 Carlo HEINZMANN SUI
45262 221717 Harri Hodson Excel Race Academy
512730 Linus HUTTER SUI
103770 225906 Elizabeth Kingdom CDC GB
512665 Dominik LANDOLT SUI
516851 Alessandra MANSFIELD SUI
25756 225878 Zoe Mansour CDC GB
512828 Elouan MARTINET SUI
512846 Elio MARTINEZ SUI
516962 Juliette MERMOD SUI
45451 225922 Martha Newell APR GBR
516944 Marine NICOLAS SUI
525144 Ayla Sarafinn ONOL LANG TUR
102676 221722 Reece Pike SSR Swad Ski Racing
512858 Julian PLANZER SUI
410480 Sam PRATT NZL
45498 221713 Jesper Pritchard DRA
45517 221704 Cameron Pye Uniq
512721 Oliver RUBLI SUI
106775 221714 Michael Salvesen STRDDM
516961 Lena SPRENGER SUI
6191817 Thomas TROMBERT FRA
512773 Sebastian TUMA SUI
512863 Thomas WEIR SUI
45352 221712 Owen Young DRA
NJR Giant Slalom FIS Reg No Name Club Nation
26242 225862 Mia Agutter
26244 221650 Tom Agutter Kandhar England
512806 Elia BACH SUI
512776 Arnaud BADEN SUI
512808 Tom BLAESI SUI
37730 225913 Georgia Blaikie Excel / Midland Scotland / GBR
270097 Adam BROWN IRE
512608 Yadin BUMANN SUI
6191984 Jason CHALENCON FRA
512847 Remi CHENAUX SUI
512715 Quentin CUCHE SUI
175083 Alicia DENNING DEN
516852 Margaux DURET SUI
512848 Filip HABER SUI
512716 Axel HAFSETT SUI
512699 Carlo HEINZMANN SUI
45262 221717 Harri Hodson Excel Race Academy
512730 Linus HUTTER SUI
103770 225906 Elizabeth Kingdom CDC GB
512665 Dominik LANDOLT SUI
516851 Alessandra MANSFIELD SUI
25756 225878 Zoe Mansour CDC GB
512828 Elouan MARTINET SUI
512846 Elio MARTINEZ SUI
45561 Natalie Mather AUS
516962 Juliette MERMOD SUI
45451 225922 Martha Newell APR GBR
516944 Marine NICOLAS SUI
525144 Ayla Sarafinn ONOL LANG TUR
102676 221722 Reece Pike SSR Swad Ski Racing
512858 Julian PLANZER SUI
410480 Sam PRATT NZL
45498 221713 Jesper Pritchard DRA
45517 221704 Cameron Pye
512721 Oliver RUBLI SUI
106775 221714 Michael Salvesen Ski Team Region Dents Du Midi
516961 Lena SPRENGER SUI
6191817 Thomas TROMBERT FRA
512773 Sebastian TUMA SUI
512863 Thomas WEIR SUI
45352 221712 Owen Young DRA
Start List - BASS Races
BASS Giant Slalom U14 and older FIS Reg No Name Club Nation
106366 Oscar Abbott FLY
25913 Jake Armitstead Excel
45617 Louis Barclay NWS
37250 Elle Baxter APR
106625 Hannah Blake UNIQ Snowsports Kent 1178
45391 Alice Bond APR
106547 Deaglan Brathwaite VSBST
45307 270097 Adam Brown SCI
104089 Molly Burtwell APR
103671 Kitty Carter UNQ
103451 Thomas Caulton CDC GBR
45953 Georgia Chesters
45952 Tara Chesters
103357 221626 Ben Clubb UNQ
45684 Evan Davis TEL
45713 Faith Deer Alpine Performance racing
45624 Mya Ditchfield Excel
26229 Alfie Duncan Sharks
45795 Lewis Fanshawe DRA
45421 Titouan Francis Wales
37806 Amber Fraser APR
36961 na Jasper James Freshwater La chapelle d'abondance
37883 Lucy Gallacher APR
37967 Charlotte Gordon LSR Scotland
Maya Gorea EXL Romania
45950 George Greenhalgh Welsh Dragons Welsh
26521 Samuel Greenland PRE
45699 George Harris Excel
41673 Lloyd Harris Excel
45700 Macey Harris Excel
45706 Menna Harris Dragons
45834 Catherine Hawkins
45808 Lily Hawkins Ski Team Phillip Roux / Verbier International School
107172 Luca Henderson FLY
45803 Barnaby Hitchcock PSR
45262 221717 Harri Hodson Excel Race Academy
103354 221688 Thomas Holmes Uniq
102727 Riley Hope Uniq
Oliver Howell Perisher Winter Sports Club
45856 Luca Howells APR
103402 Sophie Jenkins SPR
45902 Oscar Jones PRE
45798 Jasper Jones-clough Dragons
45703 Hudson Lamb Uniq
25756 225878 Zoe Mansour CDC GB
37942 Layla McGunnigle APR
37514 Callum McKay Excel Race Academy GBR
106364 Paloma Mckenzie FLY
103594 Ted Mincher-Lockett Excel
38309 Lewis Oakes Uniq
45759 Mike Orsmond PSR
45677 Naomi Orsmond PSR
45444 Aled Phillips CAR / DRA
102677 Finn Pike SSR Swad Ski Racing
45895 Lloyd Pirouet PSR
45758 Ethan Pollard NWSC
45497 Carys Pritchard DRA
45498 221713 Jesper Pritchard DRA
104802 Georgiana Pullen
45517 221704 Cameron Pye Uniq
103008 Alfie Rich PRE
105329 Luke Rosenberg CDC
105057 Mia Rosenberg CDC
45436 Hari Rowlands Dragons Alpine Welsh
25937 Ava Sheloff Uniq England
45615 Charlie Silvester CRD
103640 Nathaniel Sissens APR
26569 Iris Smith APR
45756 Alex Spencer-Duncan Cardiff Ski Club
103458 Thomas Springett CDC England
106716 Isla Stavrou Uniq
45860 Ffion Stone
45861 Martyn Stone car
45859 Siân Stone car
106932 Henry Stoneham
26924 Nat Stringer Excel
38285 Meredith Tomlinson Uniq
24151 Charlotte Webber Uniq
22933 Dan Webber Uniq
102740 Jolie Welsh APR England
27046 Isabella White Precise
45595 Charlie Wilberforce-Marsh Alpine Performance racing
106383 Oliver Wilkins FLY
45546 Lottie Williams Excel
102772 Thomas Wilson PRE
45670 Tomos Woollard Excel
45352 221712 Owen Young DRA
BASS Slalom U14 and older FIS Reg No Name Club Nation
106366 Oscar Abbott FLY
25913 Jake Armitstead Excel
45617 Louis Barclay NWS
37250 Elle Baxter APR
106625 Hannah Blake UNIQ Snowsports Kent 1178
45391 Alice Bond
45307 270097 Adam Brown SCI
104089 Molly Burtwell APR
103671 Kitty Carter UNQ
103451 Thomas Caulton CDC
45953 Georgia Chesters
45952 Tara Chesters
103357 221626 Ben Clubb UNQ
45684 Evan Davis
45713 Faith Deer Alpine Performance racing
45624 Mya Ditchfield Excel
26229 Alfie Duncan Sharks
45795 Lewis Fanshawe DRA
45421 Titouan Francis Wales
37806 Amber Fraser APR
36961 NA Jasper James Freshwater La chapelle
37883 Lucy Gallacher APR
37967 Charlotte Gordon LSR Scotland
Maya Gorea EXL Romania
45950 George Greenhalgh Welsh Dragons
26521 Samuel Greenland PRE
45699 George Harris Excel
41673 Lloyd Harris Excel
45700 Macey Harris Excel
45706 Menna Harris Dragons
45808 Lily Hawkins Ski Team Phillip Roux / Verbier International School
107172 Luca Henderson FLY
45803 Barnaby Hitchcock PSR
45262 221717 Harri Hodson Excel Race Academy
103354 221688 Thomas Holmes Uniq
102727 Riley Hope Uniq
Oliver Howell Perisher Winter Sports Club
45856 Luca Howells APR
103402 Sophie Jenkins SPR
45902 Oscar Jones
45798 Jasper Jones-clough Dragons
45703 Hudson Lamb Uniq
25756 225878 Zoe Mansour CDC GB
37942 Layla McGunnigle APR
37514 Callum McKay Excel Race Academy GBR
106364 Paloma Mckenzie FLY
103594 Ted Mincher-Lockett Excel
38309 Lewis Oakes Uniq
45677 Naomi Orsmond PSR
45444 Aled Phillips CAR / DRA
45895 Lloyd Pirouet PSR
45758 Ethan Pollard NWSC
45497 Carys Pritchard DRA
45498 221713 Jesper Pritchard DRA
104802 Georgiana Pullen
45517 221704 Cameron Pye Uniq
103008 Alfie Rich PRE
105329 Luke Rosenberg
105057 Mia Rosenberg CDC
45436 Hari Rowlands Dragons Alpine Welsh
25937 Ava Sheloff Uniq England
45615 Charlie Silvester CRD
103640 Nathaniel Sissens APR
26569 Iris Smith APR
45756 Alex Spencer-Duncan Cardiff Ski Club
103458 Thomas Springett CDC England
106716 Isla Stavrou Uniq
45860 Ffion Stone car
45861 Martyn Stone car
45859 Sian Stone car
106932 Henry Stoneham
26924 Nat Stringer Excel
38285 Meredith Tomlinson Uniq
24151 Charlotte Webber Uniq
22933 Dan Webber Uniq
102740 Jolie Welsh APR England
27046 Isabella White Precise
45595 Charlie Wilberforce-Marsh Alpine Performance racing
106383 Oliver Wilkins FLY
45546 Lottie Williams Excel
102772 Thomas Wilson PRE
45670 Tomos Woollard Excel
45352 221712 Owen Young DRA
Start List - U10/U12 Races
U10/U12 Giant Slalom FIS Reg No Name Club Nation
Lucian Auld SCV Canada
104162 Zack Bucklee Uniq
104914 Poppy Burtwell
107247 Alice Caulton CDC
103642 Ellie Clegg APR
105464 Sophie Daffurn CDC
103736 Jasper Daniels PRE
45683 Zoe Davis TEL
TBC Archie Dickson Ski Racing Club of Northern Ireland Northern Ireland
TBC Cormac Dickson Ski Racing Club NI Northern Ireland
45796 Travis Fanshawe DRA
TBC Amelia Ferguson Aiglon Ski Club England
37956 Lewis Gallacher APR
37834 Connor Grant GDN Scottish
45863 Martha Harris DRA
45809 Ffion Hawkins Ski Team Phillip Roux / Verbier International School
45770 Henry Hawkins Ski Club Verbier/ Verbier International School
45731 Cezar Ionescu APX
45682 Wilfred Jones Alpine Performance racing
106645 Lola Langman AMB
104974 Scarlett Lapidus-Ewin PRE
105485 Ilaria Lovatel Aiglon Ski Club England
104178 Frederik Lueken
106711 Maximilian Lueken
45750 Cameron MacDonald CAR/DRA Wales
45751 Evvie MacDonald CAR/DRA Wales
103854 Martha Mincher-Lockett FPS
107111 Zak Nachkov APR GBR
45873 Hannah Orsmond PSR
105061 Imogen Parker McLain Uniq
26998 Marcus Pop PRE
38140 Bruno Stoof Alpine Performance racing
104832 Annis Stringer PSR
38146 Mia Tams APR
TBC Isabella Tweedie Aiglon Ski Club England
TBC Sebastian Tweedie Aiglon Ski Club England
26865 Esme Whitehead APR
107231 Florence Willcocks Aiglon Ski Club England
45714 Sonny Williams Excel
103455 Olive Wood Excel
U10/U12 Stubby Slalom FIS Reg No Name Club Nation
104162 Zack Bucklee Uniq
104914 Poppy Burtwell APR
107247 Alice Caulton CDC GBR
103642 Ellie Clegg APR
103736 Jasper Daniels PRE
45683 Zoe Davis TEL
TBC Cormac Dickson Ski Racing Club NI Northern Ireland
45796 Travis Fanshawe DRA
37956 Lewis Gallacher APR
37834 Connor Grant GDN Scottish
45863 Martha Harris DRA
45809 Ffion Hawkins Ski Club Verbier/ Verbier International School
45770 Henry Hawkins Ski Club Verbier/ Verbier International School
45731 Cezar Ionescu APX
45682 Wilfred Jones Alpine Performance racing
106645 Lola Langman AMB
104974 Scarlett Lapidus-Ewin PRE
104178 Frederik Lueken
106711 Maximilian Lueken
45750 Cameron MacDonald CAR/DRA Wales
45751 Evvie MacDonald CAR/DRA Wales
103854 Martha Mincher-Lockett FPS
107111 Zak Nachkov APR
45873 Hannah Orsmond PSR
105061 Imogen Parker McLain Uniq
26998 Marcus Pop PRE
104832 Annis Stringer PSR
38146 Mia Tams APR
26865 Esme Whitehead APR
45714 Sonny Williams Excel
103455 Olive Wood Excel